Getting Traffic to your eCommerce Store

ecommerce / by Scott

There is a myriad of different ways to make people visit your site. It should be noted that none is magical, “one-time-and-forget-it” kind of deal. Instead of is one magical way, there are four ways to make people visit your website. We will discuss each of them below.

1. Use Google Ads to Advertise to These Keywords

On paper, this may seem to be the simplest path to get people to visit your site with the least work and effort on your part. However, you’ll be only shooting in the dark most of the time that is going to be the website that will be visited by people using the ads. These “ad-words” are Search Engine Advertising systems that you place on search engines and sites. They show up when people perform searches using keywords that you choose to place on your website.

The purpose of the ads is to reach people who are already in the market to get something and what exactly can you get according to your market. In other words, you have to make your web site and your advertisements attractive so that it will entice potential customers.

Both web sites as well as ads that are linked to your website should be high-quality ones. If you only get a referral from your web host as referring to somebody else as a referring of your site and by taking their word for your site, you are going to hurt your website with this kind of advertisement.

When you launch your website, it’s a good idea to hire experts who are professionals in search engine optimization, or SEO, to do the work for you. That way, you will get so many quality hits and visitors. You just have to make a good website with relevant information that people are interested in your website.

2. Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click advertising works both from the first click era via the sponsored links page of search engines and search directories. The purpose of the advertisement is to get attention or hits are made with the system.

The advertisement is placed for a keyword that is registered with a search engine or a site directory.

Pay Per Click are not free, the listing of the site is bid for at times.

In some cases you can list for free, the more hits you get the free listing.

3. Another Cost Per Action Offer

This is not based upon the content of the site but one has without problems. You need to have an offer for your niche market.

You write an author’s bio about the primary niche market, and get someone to write content for your site. When the articles are written, you write ads for the author’s bio.

The person who makes the content will get a cut, no publisher is asked for the content before.

When the person completes writing the articles, you pay him and the article comes to your site.

A lot of other information is given with the terms of the agreement.

If the system is put together by 1 or a group, then you should be careful with how credible you put your ads.

Once you have selected a solution and made a suitable budget it’s important to test that all the methods are working.

4. By Using Affiliates

The main purpose of affiliates is to get people who are either your customers or your subscribers to do something and they are paid in some way when this is done.

Using affiliate is a great way to get people to your site; just make sure it’s the niche market you are looking for.