User Experience

User experience involves gathering information and running tests with identifiable user groups to iteratively improve the usability of a website or app or start with a solid foundation of accessibility and usability on which to build.

Building website traffic is important but how you present yourself to your users is the next critical step in the conversion process. Website visitors are extremely unforgiving when it comes to poor user experience. We offer UX in Glasgow and deliver globally. The journey in which you send website visitors on must match the motivations of the visitor (to find what they want quickly and be impressed with the quality of the information presented to them), otherwise they’ll leave and find a competitor that understands their needs.

exolab employs tried and tested research methodologies to help discover what makes users tick and how to convert them effectively. Using your current analytics data we fuse this with deep expertise to arrive at a more informed solution. Then we test the new solution extensively within your target market. The outcome is a effective solution that has a higher chance of being successful upon launch.

To ensure a value asset is developed we follow a user centered design approach that will convert more visitors into customers.

A user centred design methodology acknowledges that to develop a useful website, app, intranet or any digital product in fact, the needs of the target users must be engaged with throughout the development process. Key elements in this process are:

  • Review of all available digital analytics (quantitative research) – where do users go on your site and where do they leave from plus more
  • User needs research – what do users really want from your site and do they match your business goals
  • Persona development – who are your users and what makes them tick
  • Wireframe development – mapping out key user journeys and placing content strategically
  • Testing – testing the new solution against your target audience

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    User Experience

    User experience involves gathering information and running tests with identifiable user groups to iteratively improve the usability of a website or app or start with a solid foundation of accessibility and usability on which to build.

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