Intent Driven Search + Technical & Content Marketing Based SEO = Conversions

Utilising a blend of creative and technical expertise, alongside  years of experience in highly competitive search verticals and in-depth data access we’ve shaped our successful strategic approach to organic search engine optimisation.

SEO in Glasgow and globally is forever evolving but the best practice principles remain consistent. The websites we build are built on SEO best practice principles and guidelines set by Google and Bing, as are our SEO strategies for increasing targeted search engine traffic.

We bring together an array of data from multiple sources to dig into what your audience is searching for then use our experience and strategies to rank for these terms.

Exolab Glasgow can build and market your site effectively to appear within search results locally, nationally and internationally    

  • 6 years commercial SEO experience
  • Local and international experience
  • Easy to Interpret Regular Reporting
  • Highly Experienced in search Ecommerce & Lead Generation
  • Target Users Across Devices
  • In-depth Organic Competitor & Search Trends Data  
  • Effectively Scale to Other Territories & Markets

Pro-Tip: Incorporate with Re-marketing for Second Chance To Convert Customers

Exolab’s Market Proven SEO Services Glasgow Approach

  1. Organic Keyword Research
  2. Competitor Backlink and Ranking Analysis
  3. SEO Audit (if an existing site is available)
  4. On-page Optimisation (Technical & Tags)
  5. Content Creation
  6. Outreach
  7. Reporting & Optimisation   

Our seo approach has been battle tested through many different online verticals and search engine algorithm updates. With key local search engine optimisation experience and global search engine experience alongside working with you we will create a strategy for future organic growth.  

Access our extensive SEO data from competitors within your industry and benchmark your websites performance. This gives us unique insight into your competition and highlights weak points within your own website. On top of this data we can layer search trends data on top to ensure the keywords we target have enough search volume and when to expect search volume peaks and troughs.

Optimisation Process Explained

Meta tag creation that focuses on both high volume competitive terms and lower volume niche terms is essential to be successful within organic search. Optimisation elements include titles, meta-description and keyword tags. The description tag is required to increase click through rate within the search engine results pages, even though not directly used as a ranking factor.

Before we begin creating new new tags or optimising existing data we will benchmark the current sites performance in search engine results pages. This will let us see where the sites are already ranking well and make sure we do not drop currently ranking terms.  

Content can also be optimised using the output of the keyword research.  Our text content is naturally written with the tone, content and calls to action expected by target audiences and any key phrases included in a organic way. It won’t read as artificial, we always right with your users in mind first. Our process adheres strictly to search engine best practice and will increase your traffic in an organic way.

What Is Optimised & Included in our process

  1. Title tags
  2. Meta keywords and descriptions
  3. Headings – H1, H2, H3
  4. Content optimisation
  5. Site and page structure
  6. Page content optimisation
  7. Alt text for images
  8. Anchor text
  9. Google and Bing xml sitemaps
  10. Robots.txt
  11. 404 page
  12. Webmaster tools set-up
  13. Submit sitemap to Google, Bing, Yahoo and country
    specific search engines if relevant e.g. Baidu for China)
  14. Set-up Google MyBusiness maps local listings 
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The most optimised, accessible and well designed website in the world still needs to reach its audience somehow. That's where marketing comes in, pushing traffic to your site and generating leads and sales to make the most of your digital assets.

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