Research & Persona Development

User Needs Research

This research is critical to identify the current effectiveness of your content and what your users are ultimately trying to accomplish on the website. Conducting an expert review enables us to be fully immersed into your business and start to guage weaknesses and strengths within the current website.

The expert review analyses the websites ease of use, content credibility and find-ability of essential content on the current website. Assessing against a checklist we cover these essential website elements: the homepage, Information Architecture (IA) & menu navigation, page template layouts, overall look & feel and conversion form layout. This is also done in tandem comparing to your key competitors and comparisons can be made and value derived from where their strengths and weaknesses sit.

In addition to gain deeper insight into users frustrations we carry out the following tasks:

  • Digital analytics review – namely a review of your google analytics account where we can identify: high performing and low performing pages, conversion drop out points, most exited point of the site and much more (quantitative research)
  • User interviews – targeting questioning to gauge who your audience are and what they really need from your website (qualitative research)

Persona Development

These help to frame your audience and gain insight into what makes up your typical customer and what they need from your site. Personas help to define a tone of voice, understand what your audience are like and help provide a more personal approach to your site and marketing. To establish personas we use a structured set of questions to enable you to put yourself in the viewpoint of  your customers and answer critical questions associated with your personas’s role such as: website goals, challenges, design impact and overall experience.

The output are boards with a valuable viewpoint summary of your customer that can be used company wide to enable everyone to create websites, products, services and marketing material that really matter to that audience.

[contact-form-7 id="148" title="Research Persona Form"]
User Experience

User experience involves gathering information and running tests with identifiable user groups to iteratively improve the usability of a website or app or start with a solid foundation of accessibility and usability on which to build.

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