Web Design for Engineering Companies

Web Design for Engineering Companies / by Scott

Making a website is relatively simple these days as technology has evolved. Web designers have the capability on fairly simple computers and either has the skills on how to design a website or know someone who does, to create a website. Doing so, still does not guarantee a professional design, however, you should not overlook the importance of preparing your site for the public.

Make sure that you have tested the site for all the browsers.

Web browser compatibility, which is becoming more and more important for engineers. It is important to think about the end users of your website, whether they use PCs, Macs, handheld, PDA’s or device such as iPhone, iPad, Smartphone or cell phone. For this particular situation, while your website is designed in specific for Internet browsers such as Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer, the designer might miss areas or font sizes and tweak the design just for the browser they use in your computer.

It is common practice for websites to make use of CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a design language, which allows you to control the look of a site based on a single file. There is also an option of changing the look of a specific page. For example, if you change the content font, from Arial to Verdana, the entire site will change. With CSS, the design of your page will change at lower or higher levels to accommodate the browser you are using. This means that a webpage, like the table or the file itself, will not stay the same across multiple browsers. If you advertise to the world that your furniture company is only accessible on Internet Explorer, your company might lose out.

If you have not done the CSS properly, you could lose out on customers or potential sales and your website will not be as user friendly. There is such a thing as ‘Web Accessibility’ and this is the term used by designers to describe the well constructed of CSS.

Putting It Into Practice

Before you start making your website, Review the above list for areas you may need to improve or update your site and make sure that you have tested for the expected browsers. There is a huge list of other browsers which might affect your site. For example, if you sell on-vellum diamond rings, sell only on PC and XHTML, which also means you cannot do cross browser testing for your customer and you will be losing out on a lot of business.

Another vital tip for yourself is to test the site over a range of browsers in regards to their screen resolution, as your customers will not have the same screen resolution either. For most users, their screens on connecting to the internet usually have a maximum resolution of 320 x 480, which is most commonly seen on laptops and computers. If you web design is based on a smaller screen size, your customers will not appreciate scrolling to read the site, due to inconvenience and back pain and this may force them to re-think looking at a site, and this is a life-changing experience for your company.

A good place to begin is to check how well your website looks on various browsers and screen resolutions, and then choose your design that gives you the best solution.

If your website is not working properly, the top reason may be the color you selected. There are ‘ Pets andmpireblown out’ colors that various browsers will not display as it is. colors and texts may also be too small for you.

You should also check menus, sub menus and custom links to ensure that they have descriptions, and do have the style of their items. You should make sure that your site will work against the screen resolution the user is using, as this can affect how your site looks on various browsers.

As you are viewing your own Webpage as a potential customer or client, you may wish to find a designer who gives good service to answer common questions AND performs well. This is not a prerequisite, and you should find a designer you will entrust your business to, as your work and your customers’ business is at stake.