Google Analytics Training Glasgow

Interested in Google Analytics but not sure where to start?

The exolab Google Analytics 101 course is the right place to start. Gaining a firm grasp on the basics will set you up for fully understanding your sites visitors. The course will also enable you to successfully pass the google analytics fundamentals online course to gain official certification from Google.  

Google Analytics Training Glasgow Course Overview

Introduction to Analytics Vocabulary & Metrics

Where Google Analytics Fits In

Configuring Google Analytics  

Introduction to the Dashboards and Reports

  • Direct Traffic Reporting
  • Search Engine Traffic Reporting
  • Paid Campaign Reporting
  • Social Media Reporting
  • Tracking Website Conversions
  • Customising Dashboards
  • Correctly Comparing Different Date Ranges
  • Annotating Your Data
  • Filtering Your Data
  • How to Export Data in Multiple Formats
  • Automatically Emailing reports and alerts
  • Question & Answer Session

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    The most optimised, accessible and well designed website in the world still needs to reach its audience somehow. That's where marketing comes in, pushing traffic to your site and generating leads and sales to make the most of your digital assets.

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