Branding, UX research for a new 
kind of search engine

ALISS (A Local Information Service for Scotland) is a truly unique service, providing information on local services and support in housing, health and more.

The team at ALLIANCE Scotland needed a new brand and online presence for ALISS that prioritised accessibility and felt welcoming to their users.

We designed a brand for ALISS that more clearly showed their warmth and distinctiveness, with a simple, muted palette. To help address the diverse and challenging range of needs their users have, we conducted extensive UX research, including interviews and surveys with new and potential service users across Scotland. This shaped the development of a more functional, journey-focused site with stringent data standards. Users now get streamlined results, easy-to-use category filters, and shareable results pages.


Marie, 36

A potential service user, Marie requires immediate food and money help due to loss of income caused by a temporary injury. She has two children, travels by car and usually accesses the internet using her phone.

Matt, 68

A former minister, helps operate a food bank in his local area. Matt's time with those who use his service is limited but he often comes into contact with people who are struggling with other issues that his service cannot address.

Jane, 28

A charity worker, Jane wants to help promote the services her charity runs in libraries throughout Scotland. The charity can occasionally have trouble keeping users up to date when these services change their times and other info.

Bill, 46

A links worker, Bill's job is to act as an intermediary between NHS patients and unaffiliated local services. He keeps handwritten notes of services to recommend and usually leaves people referred to him with a list of phone numbers.


Search Results

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We combine data and creativity to optimise your online presence and take your brand to new levels.

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